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Anything but “Basic”

Sure, she may order a complicated Starbucks drink that is more than a mouthful to say, and yes, she may pair Ugg boots with leggings in the fall. She may even wear a monogram necklace with her name on it. What is so bad about that?

These are all acceptable actions, and a woman should not be labelled because the majority of people engage in them.

Calling a woman “basic” is merely categorizing her by her external characteristics, while she should instead be praised for who she is on the inside.

It’s the fact that one is judging someone's personality from such insignificant items such as clothing or behavior. A woman’s actions or exterior do not define her as a person.

With that being said, I encourage you to put an end to the term “basic.” Stop saying it. Avoid using it as a descriptive word. Allow it to disappear with other popular terms like “YOLO” and “Swag” (thankfully that one lasted a good two minutes). Stop penalizing women for looking or acting mainstream, boring and unoriginal because the odds are, that women is amazing in ways you could never imagine.

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