A Grade Nine’s Opinion on the School Uniform
I have to start this article by saying that I only just recently found out that our school is phasing out the old uniform and replacing it with the new uniform that you see the grade 9s wearing this year. Regardless of this, I think it is safe to say that the school uniform for the grade nines makes us easy targets, so people can tell that we’re new to the whole high school thing. It’s unfortunate that the grade nines must wear different uniforms than all the other grades, as we’re all still trying to get used to the transition from elementary school to high school, but having a different uniform adds more pressure. I’m also going to add that it’s nearly impossible to wear these long uniform pants when the days get hot. I think I can speak for the whole school when I say that I recommend the school considering getting shorts, or even capris. Nobody can think straight when they’re under so much stress, I can’t imagine what it will be like during exam season, when it’s so hot. It would be great to add some lighter clothing for the warmer months.
I fully understand that they’ve changed the uniform, but honestly, they should have thought it out a little more, and realised the effects of the change.
Photo from Bishop Allen Facebook