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Tearing Up the Slopes

On February 9, the BA Ski/Snowboard team attended a TDCAA competition at Mount St. Louis Moonstone. The Bishop Allen Level 2 Girls’ Ski Team placed first overall. They will be representing Bishop Allen at the OFSAA championships from February 28 to March 1 at Blue Mountain. They will compete in Slalom and Giant Slalom events. The Girls’ Level 2 Alpine Skiing team members were Sydney Peters, Nika Ruzycky, Tess Dipierdomenico, Rebecca Martyn, and Sarah Smith. Additionally, the Boys Level 1 Snowboard team placed second at Mount St Louis and will be competing at the OFSAA snowboarding competition, which will be held at Beaver Valley Ski Club on March 3. The Boy’s Level 1 snowboard team members were Harrison Clark, Joseph Skulj, Julian Simeonov, Luka Vujeva, and Juan Alvarez.

Throughout the season, the BA students showed great strength, determination, and sportsmanship. The weather this season has made it incredibly difficult for the teams competing. The start was delayed almost two weeks and team training started on January 21.

The coach, Mr. De Mita said that it was an amazing season. For the sixth consecutive year, the BA ski/snowboard team has sent competitors to OFSAA. Mr. De Mita would like to thank Ms. Pilarski, Mme. Sange, Ms. Moriana, and Mr. Kuprowski for their efforts supporting the team. He would also

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