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Let's Talk Kanye West

Chances are that if you go on the Internet at all, you probably heard that Kanye West announced via Twitter that he is 53 million dollars in debt. Obviously, that’s a whopping sum that most people can only dream of earning in their lifetimes, and if it is true, that’s actually kind of horrible. But has he really dug himself into that deep of a hole?

I don’t know about you, but those tweets seem a little contradictory. He first says he is “53 million dollars in personal debt”, and then goes on to say that he is still “personally rich” and can still afford furs and houses (note the plural). If he is “personally rich”, how can he be in “personal debt”? But, trying to stay impartial to the situation, I looked deeper into his Twitter feed and discovered some more top quality tweets, one of which you have probably heard about.

1 billion dollars? That’s quite a lot to ask for from someone you barely know. Mark Zuckerberg has yet to address the tweet, but you have to admit it’s kind of ironic for Kanye West to ask the CEO of Facebook for money on Twitter. He also had some very convincing words for Zuckerberg.

Okay. I just want to say that there are so many things wrong with what we just read. Firstly, Africa isn’t one giant country, but rather a continent. Second, no offence, Kanye, but funding the education of underprivileged children has a bigger positive impact on the world than funding your clothing line. Even just one school has the power to change more lives than your shoes or distressed clothing ever will. However, Kanye apparently has bigger plans for the donation money he would receive (which is very unlikely, but still), aside from his clothing line. He tweeted a chart that listed all the things he wanted to invest money into, including research for a cure for HIV and cancer, solar power, education (even though he insinuated it didn’t make a difference in “the country of Africa”) and much more.

Though some of his tweets may be egotistical and just plain funny—take, for example when he tweeted that he wouldn’t make an appearance at the Grammy’s unless he won Album of the Year (he wasn’t even nominated!)—it seems Kanye may, in fact, have very good intentions. I have to admit, I am surprised.

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