How to Survive a Day at BA
Do you ever feel like nobody gets you? Like being a student at BA is so difficult? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Here’s a typical day in the life at school.
1) When you wake up, don't stay in bed thinking about how tired you are (don’t even bother denying it). Get up and start your day. 2) Try your best to catch an early bus and get to school with time to spare. Those extra minutes will help you start the homework we all know you forgot to do last night. 3) Keep your locker as clean as possible (with the exclusion of pictures of your favourite bands). Throw out that sandwich from last Tuesday: Do you really want to be cleaning roaches out at the end of the year?
4) Don't call that kid who sits at the front of the class a suck-up. Let’s be honest, their grade is probably at least 10% higher than yours.
5) Stop concerning yourself so much with what people think of you. They’re too wrapped up in themselves to care. 6) If you're going to stop and talk to your friends in the hallway, please move to the side. Despite what you may think the halls are not the size of the Pacific Ocean.
7) Clean up your garbage after lunch. Seriously, the trash can is two feet away.
8) Whether you’ve been at this school for three months or three years, your locker combination will fail you and you’ll be embarrassed when you need to spin it a second (or third) time. It’s okay, we’ve all been there.
9) Don't attack the people who walk slowly in the hallway. As frustrating as it may be, that was you at one point or another.
10) Yeah, it’s funny to flick off the lights in the hallways--that is, until somebody gets fed up and trips you in the dark.
11) Don’t shame people for the decisions they make. They have their life, and you have yours. 12) Never run in the hallway, unless your next class is in a portable. Then you should probably run.
13) Don't yell profanities at your friend at the other end of the hallway. Everyone can hear you, but--brace yourself--no one cares. 14) After school, if you don't run to your locker then to the bus, you'll never get on before the ESA kids. If you need motivation, just pretend you’re a contender on The Amazing Race Canada.
Did we get all of it? If not, then we’re sure you’ll get there someday… Good luck to you when it happens. And maybe, just maybe some of our advice will come in handy.