Just Keep Swimming
What do you think of when it's swim season? Do you think about how much you miss the summer sun, about how much you miss tanning on the beach, or going swimming with your friends? Do you think of pretty swim suits and the warmth of the sand?
Well I, for one, think about the swim team here at Bishop Allen.
The team is coached by the wonderful Ms. Elliot, Ms. Ross and Ms. Drozdzal who all work super hard to make the team into what it is today. Members and coaches go to one hour practices for three days a week and have opportunities to compete at swim meets with different schools. The swim team is one of the largest sports teams here at Bishop Allen, involving people from all grades.
That being said, have you wondered about why people choose to swim? Is it merely because they're good at it, because they crave to be a part of a team, because swimming releases stress? Or do they join the swim team because their siblings do?
Well, I asked a few of the members of the team. Some say that they swim because it's a great way to exercise, others genuinely enjoy swimming with their peers. And again there are some brutally honest souls who say that they swim to "see the abs, be the abs, and get the abs." No matter what the reason for joining is, the team consists of people as diverse as Toronto itself.
That being said, it doesn't matter if you're the most incredible swimmer who swims in the first lane - the fastest lane and goes to OFSA (though if you are, that's great!). Likewise, it also doesn't matter if you're in the seventh lane (some like to call it "the no shame lane") because there truly is a place for everyone on the team.
Isn't that really what teams are about? Swim team is about being involved and involving everyone (even those who aren't that good).
I will admit that while there are tons of people who join the team for various reasons, I've discovered that there are also some reasons that people who are amazing swimmers don't join the team. It's because said people might have had some slightly scarring experiences with racing someone and swim suits almost falling off in the public pool.
But that's a story for another time.
Just keep swimming Bishop Allen and I hope that the rest of your school year goes along swimmingly.
Photo Credit: @bishopallenswim