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Crying in the Shower

Wake up

Smack the alarm

Stagger to the bathroom

Flick on the light

Pull out a towel

Get in the shower

Tune the water to a loud sprinkling pulse

Get that perfect temperature

Standing under the stream

The never ending heat

The comfort gives me time to think

I can't sing

I feel so depressed

The water gives me a hug

That I need desperately

One tear rolls down my cheek

Was it a tear?

Maybe it was just the shower....

Torrential downpour in the forecast

I sob

Quietly at first

Then heaving breaths

No one can hear me

Over the ordinary sounds of the water running

The ache grows

My stomach hurts

I can't even feel the shower anymore

Does anyone know

Does anyone care

I think about you

Your face when you're worried

About what?

About me

Maybe you care enough

But who would want to?

I feel like

The river from my tired eyes

Will never stop

But a drought will always come

After the flood

My tears drop

They drip like a leaky faucet

I'm slowing down

They splatter

On the pearl white tub

Beneath my feet

I am a flower

So fragile

Don't pull the petals


Don't let them drop

I make myself into stone

I don't feel

I push your beautiful face away

Where can I go

When I need to escape you

Escape the world

Escape everything

That holds me down

The shower

Where no one can hear me cry

Where no one can see me down

Where I can pull myself away

Where I can keep it from everyone else

Where I can confine my thoughts

To the water

That never tells


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