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Eager-Beaver Bishop Allen Rakes In the Awards

On Thursday, October 8th, students, parents and teachers gathered at Bishop Allen to celebrate last year’s academic successes at the annual Academic Awards Ceremony. The cafeteria was packed with proud families eager to glimpse their child mount the make-shift stage, where Mr. Clough stood on guard to shake hands and offer a word of congratulations.

Out of last year’s grade nines alone, over 200 students were distinguished on the Honour Roll. The grade tens followed with over 180, and the grade elevens, this year’s seniors, finished with a grand total of 182 Honour Roll students. In addition, Subject Awards were bestowed to students who received the highest marks in a course. Together, the grade nines won nearly 30 awards in mathematics courses. Maybe it’s merely a fluke, but can anyone else see a future of Allen mathematicians?

If that wasn’t enough achievement for you, the Duke of Edinburgh Awards as well as Department Contest Awards were at your service! Both the Bronze and Silver awards of the Duke of Edinburgh were achieved by students who realized a well rounded lifestyle. As for the Department Awards, honours ranged from Music Achievement and Athletics to winners of the Waterloo Math Contest.

After all of the successes throughout the last school year, grade elevens and twelves finished it off with some much anticipated AP exams! Countless courageous students faced the challenge and many went so far as to win an award. All the best to these eager-beavers, for their determination and incredible effort will serve them well in the long run!

Finally, it is vital to remember that an award is only meaningful if you recognize those who helped you along the way and give back to your community. Grade nines were acknowledged for earning 40 hours and over through the Freshman 40 award. This endowment is truly the epitome of a respectability and honour, representing the power of putting our talents and strengths towards helping others. A heartfelt thank you to all of our dedicated teachers and staff, who have planted the torch in our hands and allowed us to run with it.

If you’re interested in coming out to next year’s ceremony, now is a good time to start planning your success strategy. You don’t need to be a born genius to succeed; completing homework daily and using an agenda can go a long way. Last but certainly not least, get involved and don’t be afraid to shoot for the moon – as Les Brown said, “Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.

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